Saturday, November 19, 2011

US Troop Body Parts Treated Like Trash

Three Department of Defense mortuary workers have given statements that at least some of the remains of dozens of US troops who died in Iraq or Afghanistan have been thrown away into the Air Force’s landfill in Dover Delaware.

The three workers also stated that the orders were given to them by their supervisors. Their supervisors asked them to keep quite about the matter. Two of the three workers were later fired after giving statements exposing the scandal.

Several recent investigations have shed light on how widespread the mistreatment of troop remains has been.

None of the managers responsible were terminated despite the fact that investigators found a consistent pattern of “gross mismanagement”. The only punishment given was the transfer of two supervisors and the reprimand of a unit commander.

1 comment:

  1. "Two of the three workers were later fired after giving statements exposing the scandal." "Freedom" of speech doesn't protect one from reprisals. It ensures retribution
